Fr Paider and Mark LeMere

September Living With Christ  For those who have a subscription to Living With Christ, the September issues are available for pickup in the narthex.

This Week's Announcements

  • Parish Photo Directory coming soon.
    • There will be someone in the gather space the next few weekends to help you sign up for your photo session. The dates available are October 1-4. Get signed up soon. Click here to sign up for a session.
    • For those who had your pictures taken on August 12th, and you are expecting photos, they have arrived and can be picked up before or after Mass.
  • There's an article on the VandenLangenbergs in Green Bay Parish Neighbors West magazine. Click here to see the article
  • On Tuesday September 10th at 5:15pm the Worship Committee will be meeting at church.
  • On Thursday September 12th at 6:00pm the Pastoral Council will be meeting at church.
  • Faith Formation Registration is open for 2024-2025.  Click here to go to the online registration. Time is running out to register. Classes start September 18th.
  • SCRIP: Sales and pick up of orders are available before both weekend Masses.

Mass Times

Weekend Masses:
Saturday - 4 PM
Sunday - 10AM

Weekday Masses:
Thursday - 8am No Mass June 13th
Friday - 8am
Rosary is at 7:35 am Thursday and Friday
Confession is at 7:30 am Thursday and Friday

Events Calendar



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New Parishoners


Come visit us for one of our mass celebrations or just stop in the Parish Office to speak to Fr Paul Paider or one of our cheerful staff members.

Give us a call at (920) 869-2244 or send an email to Brenda Rybicki-Smith at 

We look forward to hearing from you!


  • Sun, Sep 8th

  • Sun, Sep 1st

Office Hours

Mon thru Thurs 9 AM - 1 PM