Sacristans are individuals or families who help with the Lord’s work before and after Mass. Basic duties are opening and closing the church building and setting up for the Mass. Serving in this ministry is a wonderful way for families to serve God and his people together. There are tasks that even a young child can do as he or she grows in faith.
Sacristans are usually scheduled about once a month to perform their duties. Schedules are made out for 3 months at a time and a survey is sent out prior to the scheduling to provide Sacristans with a chance to let the scheduler know days of availability.
Please consider joining our ministry. A short training will be provided before and after a Mass of your choice.
If you can help or for more information, please contact the parish office: (920)869-2244
Sacristan Ministry Contact: Lorie Francar
Schedule: January - March 2025